Information about Business in Ebonyi State
Ebonyi Companies and businesses
New Yam (Ikeji) Festival in Afikpo
New Yam (Ikeji) Festival in Afikpo
The yam festival marks the end of an abundant food-producing harvest and also marks the beginning of the traditional New Calendar Year. African people have always had festivals at the time of the harvest. In
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Mbe Festival Afikpo
Mbe Festival:- Mbe festival is a feast and song festival in Afikpo. Mbe in Igbo land means Tortoise and Ebu Mbe literally means Tortoise's song. Mbe festival combines great music and dance with social satire; it uses humor or
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Nkwa Umu Agbogho
The Nkwa Umu Agbogho of Afikpo, Ebonyi State
Dance is a natural way of expressing our physical emotion and it has been like that since ages, from the time of the early men. In most traditional African societies, a lot of
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Afikpo Mask
Afikpo Mask:- Afikpo has a very rich culture, and this can be seen in their native mask carved by the indigenous mask makers who put in their time and energy to carve out these popular art work that produces a
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Afikpo Masquerade
Masquerade: - According to Igbo traditional beliefs, masquerades represent images of deities or relatives. The identity of the masquerade is a well-kept secret and the roles are performed exclusively by men. Afikpo has dozens of masquerades that are featured at
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Wrestling In Afikpo
Wrestling: - In Afikpo, wrestling is a major form of relaxation. It has a season and is greatly celebrated all through Afikpo. It gets the interest of everybody, men and women, young and old. It is one part of Afikpo
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