Okposi Okwu in Ebonyi State
Okposi Okwu is one of the biggest villages in Okposi in Ohaozara local government area of Ebonyi state
Okposi Okwu is one of the biggest villages in Okposi in Ohaozara local government area of Ebonyi state
Ebonyi Towns and Villages are vibrant, colorful and ever green with lots of sunshine . A number of Ebonyi cities have cool cultures that is hard to find anywhere in Nigeria. Make out time to visit Ebonyi state, The Salt of the Nigerian Nation.
There are many salt lakes in different areas of Ebonyi State. One of them is located More
The Afikpo Local Government Area is richly endowed with great resources, the resources can be classified More
Okposi is a town in Ebonyi state of Nigeria. The people of Okposi are one of More
It was discovered by a renowned hunter known as Ekuma Chita from Okposi Achara (a hunter). More
A communal war broke out between Amasiri and Okposi community over land dispute between Ameluagu in More